I’ve known Michael for about 15 years now and we have had many dealings over the years. He’s done some fiddle repairs & setups for me and always to perfection. He has re-haired my bows for years now and always does a great job. Mike won’t do you no wrong.
- Calvin Vollrath
Canada’s Fiddling Sensation

Violin/Fiddle Bow Re-hairs Same Day Service
Usually within two hours!
• Without Glued Plugs $50
• With Glued Plugs $65
Free Canada wide shipping on full string sets!!!
Free Canada wide shipping on all orders over $500
Collector’s Corner Violins is your trusted Canadian
violin/bow/fiddle dealer located in Edmonton, Alberta.
Violin/Fiddle Bow re-hairs, violins, bows, fiddles, sales, service,
repairs, restorations & more since 2005.
Excellent Selection of Fine New Professional Italian Violins
Starting at $15,000 CAD!
Offering student to fully professional level violins, bows & fiddles.
Fine quality, strings, cases and accessories for all levels of players
from Students to Professionals.
Student Instrument Outfit rentals available.
Rent to Own Available on all Instruments & Bows.
By Appointment: 365 Days/Year 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM Daily
11:00 AM - 9:00 PM Sundays & Holidays!!!
No GST on Anything!!!
Visit our Online Store.
Instruments: Fine Vintage, Student, Advanced Student, and Professional Violins & Fiddles.
Student Instruments: up to $2000.00
Advanced Student Instruments: $2000.00 to $5000.00
Professional Instruments: $5,000.00 and up
Italian Violins: Stefano Conia, Gaspar Domenico Santo, Stefano Renzi, Vincenzo Paulo Moretti.
French Violins: Leon Bernardel, Georges Apparut, Charles JB Collin Mezin I & III, Marc Laberte, Jerome Thibouville-Lamy, & others.
German Violins: Ernst Heinrich Roth, Johann Heinrich Schult, Albert Schurrlein, Albin Kampffe, Otto Jos Klier, & others.
Hungarian Violins: Andreas (Andras) Bergmann I.
Czech Violins: Ladislav F. Prokop
Bows: Fine Vintage, Student, Advanced Student, and Professional Violin & Fiddle Bows.
Student Bows: up to $1000
Advanced Student Bows: $1000 to $2500
Professional Bows: $2500 and up
German Bows: Albert Nurnberger, E. Nurnberger, Max Schaffner, H. R. Pfretzschner, Alfred Knoll, Otto Durreschmidt, & others.
French Bows: Joseph Arthur (Pere) Vigneron, Marc Laberte, Prosper Colas, & others.
Italian Bows: Giuseppe Vecchi.
Strings and Accessories - A Complete Line of Strings and Accessories For All Levels of Players
Services - Violin & Bow Repairs & Restorations, Violin/Fiddle Bow Re-hairs, Violin/Fiddle Bridges, Pegs, Playing Adjustments , and more
Featured Instruments
“A poet is one who puts up a ladder to a star and climbs it while playing a violin”
- Edmond de Goncourt